Album example for Bootstrap Astrophotography by Erwin Kats

Visiting Dany Cardoen in Puimichel, France.

Together with my Belgium friends Karel Teuwen and Lievens Persoons we visited Dany Cardoen.

AAG Cloudwatcher and All-sky camera setup.

Today i've installad the AAG Cloudwatcher to my All-Sky camera housing.

Takahashi FSQ-106 EDX and Robofocus V3.1.

Today i received my Robofocus for the Takahashi FSQ-106 telescope. This will make focusing really easy compared to manual focus.

My Takahashi FSQ-106EDX arrived today.

As of today i own a Takahashi FSQ-106 telescope. The FSQ106 will replace my Vixen R200SS newtonian and will be caried by the DDM 85.

Placing a foundation and making a pier for the setup.

Since the arrival of the DDM85 i have been thinking about a more permanent setup instead of using a Losmandy tripod..

Astro Systeme Austria Direct Drive Mount 85 (ASA DDM85) arrival.

After a waiting list of 5 months i received the call i could pick up my ASA DDM 85 Mount. This mount will replace my Losmandy G-11.