Photo gallery
Together with my Belgium friends Karel Teuwen and Lievens Persoons we visited Dany Cardoen.
Today i've installad the AAG Cloudwatcher to my All-Sky camera housing.
Today i received my Robofocus for the Takahashi FSQ-106 telescope. This will make focusing really easy compared to manual focus.
As of today i own a Takahashi FSQ-106 telescope. The FSQ106 will replace my Vixen R200SS newtonian and will be caried by the DDM 85.
Since the arrival of the DDM85 i have been thinking about a more permanent setup instead of using a Losmandy tripod..
After a waiting list of 5 months i received the call i could pick up my ASA DDM 85 Mount. This mount will replace my Losmandy G-11.