The arrival of my ASA DDM 85.

After waiting for 5 months i received the call that i could pick up my new equatorial mount. The mount is a Astro Systeme Austria Direct Drive mount 85 with a 65kg load capacity, encoders and direct drive this mount is an amazing replacement for my current Losmandy G-11.

After talking with my friends Karel Teuwen and
Josch Hambsch from Belgium which both own a DDM 85 i decided to order my own DDM85.
I have chosen for the DDM85 due to it's technology that came availble for a decent price for amateur astronomers

The versions i have chosen was the DDM85L version with the highest capable payload capacity, The software i will use to control the mount is The Sky X from Software Bisque combined with MaximDL and Pinpoint Astrometric engine for plate solving.

The Right ascension base.

The first box had a smaller box in it which was containing wires for power and data connection, a manual and a USB drive containing the software.
Under this box was the RA part of the mount, a dovetail bar and the counterweight shaft.

The declination head.

The second box had the declination head in it and the counterweights.

G-11 next to the DDM85.

The Losmandy G-11 next to the enormous Astro Systeme Austria Direct Drive Mount 85L

A few pictures of the mount